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WaterStep Pivots: Huge Impact

WaterStep turned 25 this year and instead of celebrating, we accepted an unprecedented challenge with you and the rest of the world. Together, we responded to COVID-19 locally, internationally and domestically in a big way. We will not stop. Our work with water, sanitation and health is more important than ever. In that regard, I hope you will consider a year-end gift to WaterStep, so we can keep this MOMENTUM going.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Dale Carnegie

Locally: WaterStep was able to replenish dwindling supplies of disinfectant with our patented BleachMakers to food pantries, social service organizations (Family Scholar House is pictured above), prisons and homeless shelters in Louisville and other cities. With salt, water and electricity, it makes an endless supply of disinfectant strong enough to kill COVID-19.

“Thank you for your wonderful donation of a BleachMaker to St. Joseph Children’s Home. This machine will ensure that St. Joe’s has an approved disinfectant throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

Brian Capps, Director of Plant Operations

Internationally: Our International Field Consultants have been working hard to keep their communities healthy during the pandemic. Here, Polycap is pictured with his “Say No to Corona” motorcycle. He has been riding through communities in Kenya, encouraging people to wash their hands and use disinfectant. He received an award from the president of his county for this life-saving work!

Domestically: Through our disaster response efforts in St. Charles, LA, we provided safe water and disinfection in the wake of Hurricane Laura. Our Water on Wheels (WOW) Cart is a mini-water treatment plant, awarded the prestigious Teddy Roosevelt Government Leadership Award in 2020. While there, we manufactured thousands of gallons of water each day at a base camp for 800 relief workers to be used for cooking, drinking, cleaning and showering.

God can reveal hope in the midst of unrest, unknowing and cloistered living. It is an honor and a privilege for me to serve with you. May we all find strength and encourage each other no matter what may come in the future. We have proven much these months. I pray you will consider continuing the hope our life-saving work brings. Please consider a year-end gift to WaterStep. Click here to make your donation now.


Mark Hogg, Founder & CEO

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