What We Do and How We work
We train people in developing countries how to use safe water solutions like water chlorination, bleach making, health education, and well repair, empowering communities to take care of their own water needs for years. We believe that the best solutions to water problems are rooted in simple tools and effective training.
A Typical Project
Training and empowering people around the world looks very different today than it did just a few years ago. With access to the Internet, smart phones, tablets and laptops, WaterStep has been able to reach out further than ever before. Where it used to take a team of educators with “boots-on-the ground,” distance training via the web now allows us to reach and teach people across to world remotely. Today, we teach them to not only recognize their water problems, but how to use WaterStep’s simple technologies and training as solutions.
Our Guiding Principles
Training community members how to operate water systems, fix broken wells, and teach health and hygiene ensures that the solutions are long-term. Not only does training support long-term solutions, training is a multiplier. Training ten people who then each train ten other people multiplies the impact.
Community Model
Water is a community problem, which means it requires community solutions. Water problems are addressed at multiple levels: community, family and individual. Water solutions at different levels strengthen the community’s ability to take care of their own water supply.
Water projects are done one community, one family, one person at a time, so the impact can be seen throughout the entire community. Public health improves – there are less people at the medical clinic, more children in the school, and more people working to better their lives.