Master Our Technology, Transform Communities

Empower communities through life-changing skills

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At WaterStep, we believe that everyone has the potential to drive transformative change. Every day, unsafe water and inadequate hygiene claim thousands of lives. We are committed to reversing this trend. With our virtual training programs, we can teach anyone anywhere in nearly any language how to make water safe to drink and produce disinfectant to reduce the spread of disease. We also provide hands-on training at our U.S. headquarters for hand pump repair.

Hand Pump Repair

Get hands-on experience and expert instruction at the only indoor Hand Pump Repair training facility in the world. Help restore essential water sources worldwide.

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What Will You Learn?


Common Hand Pumps

Get familiar with different types and their functions.
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Repair Techniques

Learn how to assemble, disassemble and troubleshoot common pump issues. 

Join this course if you are interested in hands-on work that directly impacts communities by ensuring access to safe, functioning water sources. 

Want to get trained on any of WaterStep's equipment or programs? Contact us.

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Contact Form

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Empowering Through
Education and Training

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Health and Hygiene Education

WaterStep goes beyond just providing tools; we educate communities on the importance of hygiene, handwashing, and disease prevention. Our training programs include topics like insect mitigation, menstrual health management, and infant care, tailored to meet the specific needs of each community.

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Borehole Drilling

We partner with excellence-driven borehole drilling organizations to provide safe, sustainable water sources. WaterStep ensures that once a borehole is drilled, the water remains safe through our integrated water systems and ongoing community training.

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Income Generating Program

By training women and community groups to use the BleachMaker, WaterStep empowers them to generate income while providing essential disinfectant to their communities. This program not only supports household incomes but also strengthens community resilience.

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Hand Pump Repair

Our specialized training program in Louisville, Kentucky, equips teams with the skills to repair and maintain hand pumps, which are vital for many communities. With 40% of the world’s hand pumps estimated to be broken, our training ensures these critical resources remain functional, reducing the need for costly new boreholes.