
WaterStep’s Comprehensive Disaster Management Program

Enhancing disaster preparedness, response, and recovery with innovative solutions

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Streamlining Disaster
with WaterRelief


WaterStep’s WaterRelief program integrates expertise, technology, and strategic planning to enhance water in every phase of disaster management: preparedness, response, and recovery. This holistic approach ensures communities are not only ready to face disasters but are also equipped for a quicker, sustainable recovery.

Being Proactive
is Being Prepared

Our focus on preparedness helps communities and organizations devise actionable plans before disasters strike, using:


Advanced Training

Our training is not tailored to the communities' needs. Our technical support is. We teach people how to best respond so they can teach others.

Strategic Technology Implementation

This is where we provide technical support tailored to community needs.

Responsive Action
with the LilyPad Network

The innovative LilyPad program forms a resilient network of trained responders and equipment.


Immediate Deployment

Teams equipped with WOWCarts are pre-positioned for rapid action.

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High-Capacity Water Production

Each WOWCart produces up to 10,000 gallons of bottled water daily, reducing the need for external water sources.


Collaborative Response

Supports essential services like food trucks, mobile showers, and laundry facilities through a temporary distribution network.



With the exception of the United States, our International recovery efforts focus on long-term community enhancement:


Permanent Installation

Tools and systems installed during the response phase remain to serve communities, leaving them better off than before the disaster.
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Community Training Programs

WASHUp bolsters community resilience, ensuring ongoing access to safe water and preparedness for future emergencies.

Join Our Mission

WaterStep’s WaterRelief program doesn’t just manage disasters —it rebuilds and fortifies communities. Support us in extending this life-saving service across the globe.