Working Together Globally

Different non-governmental organization (NGO) leaders from around the world met at WaterStep to discuss the future for their organizations and how to best work together to overcome obstacles.
Mark Hogg, founder and CEO of WaterStep, said that the meeting was full of new ideas being explored along with shared experiences and challenges. He was encouraged by hearing that many of the leaders were facing similar challenges and were overcoming them in different ways.
Leaders represented Uganda, Kenya, Romania, India, Nepal, the United Kingdom, and Yemen. They work in all different areas of the nonprofit sector, including women’s development, refugee programs, and Muslim charities. With all of the different causes represented, each of them recognized the importance of safe water and how it could impact people all over the world.
NGO leaders
Moses Aisia is the executive director of Apoolo Na Angor, or Development of Women based in Uganda. Their mission is to facilitate opportunities for communities to advocate for change by providing art education, vocational training and outreach support programs in community-based health care, household agricultural support and continuing education.
During the meeting, Aisia recognized the value of working together with WaterStep. He said, “We work with women, who control the family, and who see the value of water in a home as number one.”
Aisia said that water is a vital problem that desperately needs to be addressed. He encouraged WaterStep to continue to use practical solutions to improve peoples lives. Aisia recognized the power of water to prevent diseases saying, “We cannot keep on treating waterborne diseases.” Instead, providing safe water will act as medicine to those in need.
Aisia and the other leaders are finding ways to work together with WaterStep in the future, and are already in contact with WaterStep about helping to edit and improve our distance learning materials with their insight from their experience in different countries.
By working together and gaining a global perspective, WaterStep is seeking to make a bigger impact and improve the lives of people all around the world.

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